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No Excuses!


  • You cannot trade with the CPU

  • No trades can be made through cutting players, all trades must go through the trade box

  • No Live Draft trades involving players. All player trades must be done before the draft begins.

  • During live draft, you may ONLY trade draft picks for other draft picks.



  • Must have no less than 53 players at the start of the regular season

  • If you release a player you must wait AT LEAST 24 hours before you can pick that same player back up from Free Agency

  • Must have at least 2 QBs on your roster at all times

  • Can have a MAX of 2 FBs, 2 Kickers, and 2 Punters during the regular season



  • All games must be broadcasted on Twitch

  • Everyone must broadcast regardless of being home or away.



  • First 2 rounds of draft picks will have 2 minutes to draft

  • Third round draft picks will have 1 minute to select your player

  • Fourth-Seventh round will have 30 seconds to make a selection.

  • Position changes must be made during the preseason to week 18 only.



​You may go for it on 4th down behind your 45 yard line:

  • If you're 4th and 2

  • Down by 10 points or more in 1st half or down by 7 or more in 3nd quarter


After your 45 yard line (must be beyond the 45 yard line) you may go for it on 4th down at any time.

Also, you may go for it anywhere on the field if it's the 4th quarter.


If you break this rule you must punt the ball if you convert the 4th down.



  • You get only 1 fake field goal or fake punt per game. This is NOT 1 of each!



  • You may onside one time in the first 3 quarters.

  • You can onside kick any amount of times in the 4th quarter.



  • Must have at least 3 people rushing the QB at all times. This can be any 3 defenders not just the defensive lineman.



  • Abnormal position changes must be approved by xX HalosBest Xx beforehand based on physical traits.

  • Positions allowed to be switched are as follows: HB to FB, FB to HB, TE to FB, FB to TE OL can move anywhere on the OL, DL can move anywhere on the DL, DE to OLB, OLB to DE, OLB to MLB, MLB to OLB, Secondary can be moved anywhere on the Secondary. Safeties must be a minimum of 6'2" and 220LBs to be moved to LB.

  • Cannot come out in a goalline formation unless you are inside 10 yards from the endzone on either side of the field.

  • Any formation such as the Panther Heavy where there are no WRs in will be counted as a goalline formation and may only be used inside the 10 yard line.

  • Both Monster and Monster stack formations are banned because they don't work properly.

  • A WR cannot be played at TE even if the formation/package/sub allows for it. Additionally, a WR cannot be in a formation where his hand is in the dirt.

  • You cannot knowingly run any presnap exploits that glitches the coverage from being ran as normal.



  • If you want to tank that is on you but you still must play every game

  • 4 unexcused sims will result in being kicked from the league and replaced

  • If you finish bottom 3 in a season the next time you finish bottom 5 you will have to trade with a person in the next 7 spots ahead of you by in the resigning period 


1st cant fall further than 8th

2nd cant fall further than 9th

3rd cant fall further than 10th

4th cant fall further than 11th

5th cant fall further than 12th 




  • If you quit in a playoff game, that will result in you being put on auto-pilot for your first 2 regular season games.

  • If the game lags out after halftime then both GMs have to be in agreeance to give the points back and play the full game

  • If they both can't come to an agreement, then it will be decided on by an admin



  • It is YOUR responsibility to get in contact with your opponent inside the Scheduling chat there are NO EXCUSES!

  • Please be respectful of time zones. Do not call your opponent after 10pm on any time zone.

  • Everyone must join the Discord. The Discord is where everything about the league will be discussed.

  • When we sim you will have 24 hours to schedule your game the first day and your game must be scheduled before 7PM est on day 2 because we will be simming at 8PM est at the latest every time.

  • Example: If we sim at 10PM est you will have 24 hours to play or schedule, that means you will have until 10PM est to have your game scheduled. If you have not scheduled by then, the league will not wait for you.

  • Your game for day 2 must be scheduled for 7PM est or sooner unless we sim according to who is looking for who and so on.

  • If your opponent doesn't answer, please let an admin know so we can reach out via text before 9pm EST or within the 24 hour sim schedule period... whichever comes sooner.

  • You must provide at MINIMUM 2 hours of availability per day (4 hours total). If your opponent gives 4 hours of availability and you can't, you may be subject to a force loss.



  • Please respect every member in the league.

  • We are all grown men, but there is a fine line between talking shit and go after peoples family members. Do not talk about other people's spouses or kids. Anybody breaking this rule will have to find a new league to play in.

  • We will be using 175% sliders.

  • 4 games missed excused or unexcused, you will not have that season count as a year towards your eligibility for the next madden.

  • If admins feel like there was some collusion in your game, stat padding, etc... you will be disciplined as per admins decision. Every case is different.



​If you are to be found breaking any of these rules you will be subject to you and/or your team being punished. Some of the consequences that will be enforced are:

  • Having 2 or more of your star players being benched for X amount of games. These players will be chosen by the admins, not you.

  • Having draft picks taken away

  • Being set to auto-pilot for X amount of games.

  • And of course, being booted from the league.



  • Playing 7 full seasons will reward you with a Superstar X-Factor of your choice for the following Madden season 1.

  • Broadcasting all of your games will give you 1 player of your choice from Normal to Star upgrade and 1 non development trait upgrade.

  • Anybody who plays all 17 games will be able to get any trait, except development, for 1 player of choice. To elaborate, Force wins will be able to still count towards the reward. Straight sims will mean you both lose out on this reward



Games played 2 points 

    â—¦    1 person can’t make schedule the victor gets 1 point.

    â—¦    Straight Sim 0 points

    â—¦    Users who don’t reach out or try to schedule lose 2 points

    â—¦    Quit a game and lose 20 points and those points are awarded to the person you quit on. 

    â—¦    Game of the week winner gets an extra 2 points. (Everyone will be allotted 2 GOW per season)

    â—¦    Game Advantage: 4 game advance example user A is 5-0 user B is 1-4. If user B wins he gets 4 points. 

    â—¦    Game Advantage: 10 games. Example user A is 12-0 and user B is 2-10. If user B wins he gets 10 points and user A will lose 10 points. 

    â—¦    Stream all games get 1 point per game for a total of 17 points. 

    â—¦    Random Stats for offense before the season start. Example offense the wr with most wr yards get 10 points

    â—¦    Random stat for defense 10 points. Example team with best red zone def. Will be determined before season starts. 

    â—¦    Playoff points: #1 seed 10 points. 1st round 4 points. 2nd round 6 points. 3rd round 12 points. Super Bowl winner 20 points. Loser gets 0 points. 

    â—¦    Non playoff team with worst record and most games played(minimum 12 games) gets 15points.  Meaning that user will have the number 1 pick. If that pick is traded user loses those 15 points and they go to the next person that meets the criteria. 

    â—¦    Top Plays of the week 

          Send in videos every week(season week) and players will vote on the best videos with a thumbs up.  Top 5 videos will receive 1 point with a max cap of 10. Meaning your video can only be voted top 5 10 times in a season. 

    â—¦    What to spend Points on

         Throw Power-20 points per 1 attribute 

        Speed-20 points per 1 attribute 

        Strength-20 points per 1 attribute

         Agility-10 points per 1 attribute 

        Acceleration-10 points per 1 attribute 

        Traits- 10 points (example: throw under pressure and big hitter) per 1 attribute

    â—¦    Every other stat cost 5 points per 1 attribute

    â—¦          Xfactors-50 points Superstars 40 points Star 30 points

    â—¦    Luxury tax on Xfactors and Ss. Each team is allotted 6 ss and 3 xfactors.  For every number you are over on the cap you must pay 10 extra points for that category. Example you have 8 super stars already and want 1 more you must pay 20 extra points for being 2 over the cap coming out to be a total of 70 points for that ss.  Let’s say you have 7ss and one xfactor and you want to make one of your ss an xfactor you would pay regular price of 50 to move him from ss to xfactor. 

    â—¦    There will be no trading or buying points and the points can be cashed in every preseason.  You will have until week one regular season to get your points in to Gill in a private message. 


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